+61 409 25 99 34

Be Still. Know thyself. Align with your Truth

We are on the path to evolve into our higher truth. Ascension is the process of evolution but not the evolution itself. Evolution needs the recognition and reflection of the whole life answer. That is, what has my life meant? What was it for? And how did I serve humanity. We each have a purpose, a journey to first recognise ourselves, then to help others recognise themselves

Inner Advisor

Follow your intuition, listening to your dreams, your inner voice to guide you.


Our True Self is Divine

We are a spark from Perfection, and always part of the eternal fire.


Look inside

We hold all the answers within.

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Workshops, Courses, Groups

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  • So much heartache and yet there is reprieve present now. Shake off the sad thoughts and find joy once again.
    Be analytical only when you need to be. Overwhelm comes from practicing overwhelm. Steady and


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  • Depending on the eyes you use to see, Easter is a time of celebration or a time of mourning. As a metaphysician I choose to look upon Easter time as a metaphor for Life … "2. This week begins with


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"It's quite amazing knowing the Universe is waiting for us to work with it, we have the magic at our fingertips yet quite often we resist using this power. Matu, thank you for helping me open my eyes that little bit more. MAGIC IS IN EVERY BREATH.”



"Working with Matu is like having your own personal Genie. He helps clarify you real goals and sets your radar to help you achieve them. If you are ready to face what stops you from reaching your highest potential, and fast track to health, happiness and abundance then I highly recommend working with him”


Business Owner

You facilitate & empower dreams by removing the barriers that withhold the destiny of our Heart & Mind' ...and ' so that we can develop our own dreams into realistic steps’


Business Owner

You facilitate what is already in a human beings power. A facilitator....that is the one word. The results of What you facilitate comes next. One word is not enough to combine what you do and the result you achieve.


Business Owner

The thing that made the biggest difference was Matu himself, without his very patient and multi pronged plan of attack I would not be the person that I am today.  Matu was very definite in his belief of what I needed to do and his passion and perseverance has enabled me to push through some huge barriers.  With Matu’s unflinching support I have become the women that I have always wanted to be; self-assured, disciplined and goal driven. 


Empowerment Coach

My confidence has soared, my business has grown and I am still learning from every Coaching session. I love how you are so relatable, not intimidating, listen and can come up with help & advice when I interject on a completely different topic!  AND you are a little bit spiritual and in touch with the Universe!


Personal Coach

The thing that made the biggest difference was the ‘debunking’ of my belief system and the ‘uncanny’ way Matu could get to the ‘Nuts & Bolts’ of the issue and then he worked with me to start the change process so I could evolve into the person I always wanted to be.


Business Owner

Matu Apiata, I have to thank you so much. From a week ago, you asked me if I was ready for my life to change and it certainly has. I feel so free and excited in what I have learnt. My goals and dreams are in front on me now, the negativity has gone, the self doubt, it's all positive. I have not been so happy towards my future for such a longtime, thanks to your teachings.



Hello Matu Well, 2 weeks after doing your workshop, I receive a call completely out of the blue from a company I have never heard of and they offer me the best job with best money I have ever had, someone had recommended me to them. I didn't even go for an interview. WOW! MIND BLOWN!



"I would highly recommend seeing you Matu :) My son and I were already working on things in our life but we still went to old ways of thinking - not good enough. After going to the workshop, we now understand more clearly what we need to do to live our life true to ourselves. You have made a great difference in our life. I am getting healthy people around me now which is amazing for me. The Saturday appointment my son had with you has totally changed his negative thoughts. You gave him the tools to change his life and mine. Good things have happened since the workshop for both of us. Before the workshop, I thought nothing good would happen and worked hard to accept that. But no more! Many good things have happened and to see the changes puts a smile on my face throughout my day. You are a blessing to us. Thank you Matu “



I highly recommend the Manifestation workshop, it's amazing & I saw results within days!


Business Owner
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Spiritual Number

In Numerological terms, this is the number for the year

67 %


The number choosing to explore Spirituality rather than Religion

275 million


This is how many people meditate

963 Hz


The vibrational frequency of Divine Harmony

Deeply Honest Reflective Contemplative Process.

The Path of a Mystic.

A path of awareness and the Surrender of the small self … moving from I to I AM to One-ness or the Nameless, clearing away our conditioned mind to allow us to hear the truth.

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Seaford, Melbourne,
Victoria 3198, Australia.

Mail: hello@matuapiata.com

+61 409259934