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“What we do in life, echoes through eternity” Maximus - Gladiator, the Movie
In such challenging times it is important to resist and oppose while maintaining a connection to our Divine Presence. The questions is how do we maintain our connection to humanity while navigating difficult times …
In A Perfect Prime Year, a once-in-a-lifetime occasion (45 squared = 2025) and a year where we are preparing for the end of a cycle (a 9 Year numerological), we can expect a volatile time as social change and reform become a part of our experience.

This lecture was given at the Victorian Spiritualist Union (VSU) in North Melbourne on 1 May in 2022.
I am putting part of it here because of the uncertainty around the world at the moment due to Global Politics. Seems a bit presentient for the times.
The focus of the lecture was around Quantum Uncertainty and the Truth Wars
Nature will always give us an answer. That’s why it is important for us not to let our focus be driven by our fear, anger,

I have been asked if I would share my notes that I use during my lectures and speaking events and happily will include them here. I will upload previous lectures over time because I noticed a theme leading up to this year and may be worthwhile exploring the information as the year unfolds.
The title for this lecture was ... Spiritualism is an inside job - The inner journey
Key words: Depth, Allowing, Transformation
Read more: Spiritualism is an inside job - The inner journey

We depart 2024 ready to embrace a new year but as my guides have said, the work has only just begun.
Moving into a 9 Universal Year brings us to a place where we prepare for the ending of a cycle. This cycle began in 2017 and the learning we started in this year comes to completing in 2025.
When I was reflecting on 2017 wondering what I started and what lessons I began I had a moment of