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Meditations and thoughts from Matu's Desk

Inspiration, Self-Mastery, Hope

This lecture was given at the Victorian Spiritualist Union (VSU) in North Melbourne on 1 May in 2022.

I am putting part of it here because of the uncertainty around the world at the moment due to Global Politics. Seems a bit presentient for the times.

The focus of the lecture was around Quantum Uncertainty and the Truth Wars

Nature will always give us an answer. That’s why it is important for us not to let our focus be driven by our fear, anger,

sadness, hurt or guilt (dramatic emotions) because nature will respond to these.

Questions - the types of questions matter. To ask them with a feeling of gratitude because how you are feeling will impact on the outcome.

Quantum Uncertainty is based on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle whereby we cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy; the more we nail down the particle's position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa.

And Quantum Uncertainty is driving the Truth Wars. (Cynthia Sue Larson)

What this means is that facts are a certain way and they can’t change or they don’t change. This leads to an idea that there is an objective reality.

But what we are learning from Quantum physics is that this may not be the case … that there may be something called Subjective Reality.

Subjective Reality builds on the idea that we overlay the uncertainty principle over our reality. So it becomes that you cannot know a fact or what’s truth across different realities of belief.

Leading to people expressing “I don’t know what the truth is anymore”.

So what I know as true is not the same as why you know is true.

My idea of blue may not be the same as your idea of blue.

In the past, society was built on the idea of objective reality where there was only one truth … this truth was taught by society.

Today this reality no longer exists.

Subjective reality means that there may be times when there may not be agreement on specific topics.

For example: a student attending my workshop where I shared my process of protection, a process that she began practicing. Recently she went into a Circle where she was told to stop this immediately … that she should automatically believe that she has protection and that it was wrong to use a ritual or process.

These subjective realities have lead to the idea of Truth Wars.

Camps of truth have shaped our idea of reality and even if we are not aware of the influence, our subjective reality is being shaped by the those who determine what can or cannot be shared.

This happens even without our permission.

Advertising, Social Media, Television, Politics are examples of the different camps of truth that have conditioned our expectation of what truth is.

The worldview and social narratives are being shaped by what we consider to be truth. We have a social agreement to forms our reality.

We become the observer of this reality, this paradigm and for the most part our world experience is unified by a shared belief about what’s true.

That the colour blue is blue, that a chair is a chair.

This gives our reality structure and the box we can neatly put our thoughts into.

But this world is currently being challenged.

Our socially constructed narrative is being directed by whomever is editing the medium we are observing. They determine what true or presented as truth.

For example: Elon Musks purchase of Twitter to ensure Free Speech is upheld. The question is what is Free Speech?

These Gate Keepers are shaping our Subjective Reality in a very big way.

E.g. Political Campaign, “The Big Lie”

This is causing a period of Social Deconstruction where people are questioning what’s true. People are yearning for a simpler time, a time of agreed reality.

But Subjective Realities naturally become more complex and result in divided communities.

As each Subjective Reality becomes more complex we see increasing interactions between the realities. If we were to look at each Reality as a new energetic potential each interaction has the capacity of creating a new world.

To draw upon the evolutionists perspective, each interaction with create its own world in its own image. The Uncertainty Principle coming into play would show that the new potentials can both lead to increased Chaos as well as increased Consensus.

These events stimulate environmental changes as well as social change.

E.g. industrial revolution, the invention of the automobile, the invention of the telephone, Feminism, Civil Rights movements, Computers, Internet, Credit Cards.

Agreed upon rendering of reality where we selectively choose different aspect as a society, agree upon and accept as true.

Energetically, the Universe is giving us a push to cosmically re-balance life. Authenticity is the key, so when you feel challenged or uncomfortable by what is happening in the world at the moment …

Stop, be still and listen for your truth. Take a moment to understand what is important for you because this will form the basis of who you are becoming.

And remember, the questions you ask of the Universe will be answered.

While our Subjective Reality can be influenced by social editors we still have the capacity to influence the potential of what unfolds … not just by our actions but also by what we accept as True.

*** Editors Note: I will write a second part to this article based on the current, 2025, situation with the emergence of the new US Presidency and Elon Musk taking a driving role in reshaping a world power ... M

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