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Meditations and thoughts from Matu's Desk

Inspiration, Self-Mastery, Hope

I have been asked if I would share my notes that I use during my lectures and speaking events and happily will include them here. I will upload previous lectures over time because I noticed a theme leading up to this year and may be worthwhile exploring the information as the year unfolds.

The title for this lecture was ... Spiritualism is an inside job - The inner journey

Key words: Depth, Allowing, Transformation

The Tarot card for this year is 9 The Hermit

Nine represents the preparation for the end of cycle, it is also the wrapping up of lessons learned in the previous 10 years.

This cycle started in 2017 - what happened in 2017 that resulted in lessons being learned over the last 10 years.

The Hermit is the Spiritual Teacher, 

The Tarot Card, 9 The HermitStanding on the top of a snow covered mountain

Standing still

Wearing a gray cloak - the truth born of experience

Holding a lamp that contains a 6 pointed star - Illumination of Truth, the star is the Sirius Star, our Spiritual Sun and the star that guided the 3 wise men to the birth of Jesus (the Star of David).

Holding a staff - the staff or wand is our connection between the concrete reality and our divine presence, it touches the ground and holds us steady as we explore our Spiritual Truth.

The 6 pointed star also represents the symbols of Masculine and Feminine. They are held in balance by our spiritual experiences. This year is bringing the sacred feminine back into balance.


Sunday 2:2 - a 2:2 Power Day

The Sunday of the lecture was the 2 February. When looking at the day as a power day, you see the tension between living with the duality of focusing on moving forwards while honoring the past. When you consider the planteary movements to can recognize an even deeper tension in play.

When the energies of the Power Day combine with Uranus going direct, and Saturn going Direct you can notice how challenging this moment can be.

Uranus is a disruptor and pushes us outside our comfort zone.

Saturn represents the balance between Above and Below, pushing us to take responsibility for the changes we see in our experience.

Jupiter goes direct on Tuesday, leading us to explore our worth and our deep values.

The number two holds the tension between the opposites within our experience. The tension between good and bad, hate and love, God and the Devil. This tension is what we are experiencing right now pushing us to make a choose between the dualities that we live in right now.

Pluto entered Aquarius and will remain here for the next 20 years. Brings an age of society reform and technological innovation. Equality will be a priority as well as personal and spiritual development.

Go Deep and Allow

We are being asked to find a deeper perspective in our lives this year, and to make a choice as to who we wish to be. It is time to find the answers to the questions: Who Am I? What Am I? What is for my Highest Good?

The chaotic energies of 2024 and the fast paced energies of January bring us to a turning point. We can move forwards and embrace adaptability and change or we will be left in chaos.

We are being asked to refine our relationship to our Personal Power and recognise that we are part of a story much bigger than ourselves smaller selves.

My thoughts Are Images I See

The Law of Cause and Effect is a principle we must learn deeply, that what we experience in our lives is a reflection of what we hold in our minds.

This Law also helps us to understand that nothing is permanent. Change is only a decision away. What you are carrying is not permanent.

Allow the change to happen.

When you don’t allow and resist, this is when roughness is experienced … when life seems to be going wrong or off the rails. What you wish for doesn’t happen and it seems as if life is hard work.

These are different levels of resistance. The exhaustion, the frustration, the feeling of being “off-track” - these are just energies. And energies can shift.

So the question is How Do You Start?

First, you need to accept that change can happen, that you have the power to change.

Second, acknowledge that something is not working.

Then it takes Releasing as the next step.

Releasing doesn’t mean forgetting what happened or ignoring the pain. It means consciously choosing to let go of what no longer serves you so that new possibilities can enter your life.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. - Carl Jung

You are the creator of your own world
Every thought has an effect.
Every action carries a consequence.

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Seaford, Melbourne,
Victoria 3198, Australia.

Mail: hello@matuapiata.com

+61 409259934