Depending on the eyes you use to see, Easter is a time of celebration or a time of mourning. As a metaphysician I choose to look upon Easter time as a metaphor for Life … "2. This week begins with palms and ends with lilies, the white and holy sign the [Child] of God is innocent. (ACIM T-20.I.2:1)
Religions have co-opted this time as means to frighten people and keep them enslaved to an image that one man "died for our sins". This idea of sin is a weapon used to control but if you look deeper you see that at our core we are beyond sin, being a Spark of Light that extends from the Universal Source.
How can something so perfect be tainted by an earthly adornment or behaviour, perfection by its description is eternal, a "the state or quality of being perfect" and cannot be changed. Yet, we are expected to believe that the world can evaluate us as a Sinner, and place a crown of thorns on our heads ready to be crucified.
Those who know me will recognise that this is the argument process of change, using logical and rational arguments to influence and change our minds. This is in contrast to Realisation, when you simply realise that these statements are true.
As a metaphysician, I do find that the argument process of change can be fun … to debate and rationalise about a metaphysical topic because we need to challenge our beliefs and sometimes, history, dogma, and marketing, go against us.
So as Jesus states in A Course in Miracles "²Let us not spend this holy week brooding on the crucifixion of God's Son, but happily in the celebration of his release. ³For Easter is the sign of peace, not pain. ⁴A slain Christ has no meaning. ⁵But a risen Christ becomes the symbol of the Son of God's forgiveness on himself; the sign he looks upon himself as healed and whole." (ACIM T-20.I.1:2-5)
So what does Easter mean?
The metaphysics is grounded in the idea that at our core we are not the bodies we see. We are a Soul-spark (my wording) which is the essence of our True Self. From a spiritual perspective this spark can be called our Soul, our Higher self, our Christ Consciousness … regardless of the name it represents our true form - energy. Specifically, an energy that is connected to the Universal Source of energy … God to make it easier.
Now, I know the word God comes with baggage but it's easier than saying Universal Consciousness, or Universal Love, or Self-realisation. It keeps the word count down.
The story of Easter is about a man, wrongly charged, convicted to death and then publicly crucified. This is part one. The second part happens 3 days later when miraculously the man is resurrected - from a locked cave.
It makes for a great story, one that, for Christians, remembers Christs voluntary death and resurrection to save humanity from sin and death. I say voluntary because he had an opportunity to escape and even had forewarning, but chose to stay.
For politicians, this is a powerful story of someone who was considered an illegal by authorities and challenged the established rules. Not only did he challenge but he was triumphant (the palms being raised in his honour). The man was convicted and crucified as a criminal. But authorities misread the mood of the people and the movement this man established has continued on to this day … a valuable lesson.
Back to the metaphysics, for many the idea of the crucifixion and resurrection represents Jesus's triumph over death, meaning that we can be granted eternal life if we believed in Jesus and his teachings.
There is some truth in this premise in that the resurrection demonstrates that death is not the final step. However, it does not go far enough.
When viewed as a metaphor, the resurrection is the demonstration that the world we see cannot contain us, that the physical body is not who we are … we are much more that the vessel we see in the mirror. As a symbol of our True Self we can use this teaching as a realisation that the life we experience does not define us, it cannot touch our True Self.
When we allow the rebirth within our minds of the truth, we establish a deep connection to our Christ Consciousness. This connections resurrects our awareness of our plan for salvation - the one that brings us back to our core.
With this connection we establish a level of guidance and awareness that seems as if we re-discover the manual on how to live in this reality. Each step, each moment, every experience is shown to us as we walk through our life. This is the reason for the Easter story - to awaken us to our inner GPS.
1. This is Palm Sunday, the celebration of victory and the acceptance of the truth. ²Let us not spend this holy week brooding on the crucifixion of God's Son, but happily in the celebration of his release. ³For Easter is the sign of peace, not pain. ⁴A slain Christ has no meaning. ⁵But a risen Christ becomes the symbol of the Son of God's forgiveness on himself; the sign he looks upon himself as healed and whole.
by ACIM T-20.I.1:1-5