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Meditations and thoughts from Matu's Desk

Inspiration, Self-Mastery, Hope

We depart 2024 ready to embrace a new year but as my guides have said, the work has only just begun.
Moving into a 9 Universal Year brings us to a place where we prepare for the ending of a cycle. This cycle began in 2017 and the learning we started in this year comes to completing in 2025.

When I was reflecting on 2017 wondering what I started and what lessons I began I had a moment of

realization that, this was the year I began giving readings and actively teaching Spiritual workshops.
Quite literally on the first of January 2017, I set the intention of publicly doing readings (I have been reading in Psychic Development Circles and on Platforms but not publicly as a business) and by the end of January I completed my first Psychic Expo.

Over the last 9 years and I have discovered much about Spirituality, Metaphysics and the various practices you can use to access guidance and when I look back over my journals I recognise that I was quietly led to be more conscious of my reasons for wanting to work with Spirit.

I also recognise the lessons challenging me to be more practical in my approach to being Soul-led. Never being satisfied with intellectually knowing what to do I actively want to experience the guidance daily, moment by moment because this, for me, is what it means to live a Soul-led life.

A Course in Miracles has become a foundational practice over this time and I have moved from thinking it was a highly intellectual, hard to understand, metaphysical text to find myself applying the principles daily in a practical way.

This is what 2025 will bring, a deeper understanding of the wisdom we have gained from the 9 years of learning and, more importantly, how to apply this wisdom. In this application you will find your life elevated and more purposeful.

One thing to get clarity about, and this will be helpful this year, is Why living a Soul-led life is important for you.

This will act as a lens to focus your activity and intentions as we navigate through the year. Holding this at the forefront of your mind will help you stay dedicated to moving forwards. This dedication will naturally result in the discipline needed to be consistent in your Soul-led, spiritual practices. The result will be a sense of empowerment and motivation as you step fully onto your path.

Now, there will be some who still are not clear of what their path is moving forwards. You may even feel stuck, or blocked, causing some frustration and a sense of uncertainty.

In these moments I encourage you stop for a while, be still and listen. Ask for help and guidance then be still and listen some more. You will always be answered and if you feel you can’t hear the guides, find someone you trust and speak with them about getting clarity.

The following is from A Course in Miracles …

"²Your Friend goes with you. ³You are not alone

⁴No one who calls on Him can call in vain. ⁵Whatever troubles you, be certain that He has the answer, and will gladly give it to you, if you simply turn to Him and ask it of Him.

⁶He will not withhold all answers that you need for anything that seems to trouble you.

⁷He knows the way to solve all problems, and resolve all doubts. ⁸His certainty is yours.

⁹You need but ask it of Him, and it will be given you."

~ ACIM W-ep.1:2-9

If you cannot sit still or do not feel you can meditate, then walk along the beach or on a wooded walk. Maybe listen to your favourite music or watch your favourite movie. Whatever you do, do it with the intention of finding an answer. Then, let it go and enjoy the moment. Release the need to have an answer and find the love for what you are doing. You will be surprised at what you will notice.

Another way of exploring the year ahead is to know your Life Path number. This is also called your Birth Path Number. When you work out your number it will provide you with an understanding of the energy surrounding you as you entered this reality.

To calculate add together every digit of your full date of birth.

For example your date of birth could be 18 June 1962, this means …

1 + 8 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 33 

Add the number until you have a single digit … 3 + 3 = 6

So in this instance you have a Life Path number 6 (as well as a Master Number Life Path 33). The double digit represents a Master Number which indicates you have two possible life paths to walk.

Now, what does this number mean? This may be weird but google the Life Path Number. There are many websites dedicated to life path numerology and you will find the energies you are working with this year as well as the challenges.

It may seem strange to be recommending the use of google but as I was preparing to write this article and summarizing my notes on the numbers, I sat in meditation asking for suggestions and this is what I received…

“You are imparting guidance that has been given my many. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Talk about the wheel and how you use it.”

So as we begin an exciting year, take a moment to be still and have a conversation with your Soul, you may be surprised by the answers.

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Seaford, Melbourne,
Victoria 3198, Australia.

Mail: hello@matuapiata.com

+61 409259934