Depth; Solidarity; Creative Expression; Authenticity
In preparation for 2025 I have been doing some deep meditations asking for guidance for next year.
Normally, I create business plans and goals for a successful year but a theme throughout this year has been to sit and wait for the next step to be shown. Something of an issue for someone who loves control and
enjoys an ADHD mind.
The lesson is to accept and recognise that everything we experience is an extension of your mental focus - what you pay attention to and what you give value in your mind. If you hold a negative mindset then you only see negativity in your experiences but holding abundance and service as your focus and you get shown how to action it in reality.
A special consideration - what is the direction of your Spiritual Growth in 2025? Is it learning or practice?
This is one question I asked in my meditations. It was actually asked by a good friend and I thought, yes what is it?
The year 2025 is a 9 year numerologically (2+0+2+5=9) which means we are preparing for the end of a cycle. The number also has connections to the old soul and humanitarianism and the lessons we have learned in order to realise our highest potential. In preparing for the end of the cycle we are asked to creative in our approach because creativity opens your intuitive mind and reaches for possibility as opposed to concrete facts and logical conclusions.
Pluto entered Aquarius in November which heralds the coming of a new age but, as my guides kindly reminded me, we haven't reached it yet. While 2024 was a connection to transformation and manifestation it was a clearing of the old to make room for the new. The coming year calls us to set the foundations for the next 10-20 years and so we are being asked to put into practice the things we learned this year.
Some deeper thoughts and keywords to guide us next year.
We are being asked to dive deep into our Spiritual and Personal Development in 2025. To paraphrase the Maharishi, we are being asked to dig a deep well rather than many shallow wells in order to nourish our soul. We are asked to develop of Vision of our Spirituality and do the work to fulfill this image.
This word stumped me and when I asked for clarity I was given the sentence “I stand with my Brothers and Sisters against the Chaos”. In order to do this we must embrace Authenticity, Clarity of our personal Vision, and acceptance of Spiritual Truth. We will be challenged to be authentic in 2025. This year we were tested to help us recognise our true values - those things that are important to us. This will continue and we being called to stand true.
Creative expression:
The coming year is about developing and strengthening our connection to the Divine Light and Creative Expression moves us through Logical Rational thinking in an awareness where we recognize our personal truth. We become a person that can witness the Universe in a Grain of Sand, with faith and conviction.
These are the keywords to help guide us as we set our intentions for 2025. Sit and Connect to find your truth in these words and set your intentions for an amazing year.
For those who, like me, find the world a triggering place, a chaotic experience I offer these words from Ken Wapnick, Teacher of A Course in Miracles to help
… that we should look on pain: "Do not deny the existence of wars, floods, and famine, from which people suffer. Do not deny the suffering. But let me help you to look at pain differently. Let me use your perception of suffering to show you that it mirrors your choice for an internal thought of suffering."
This, then, is the world's only value -- there is no other way to return to the mind except through the world, because we made it and believe we are here. Though the world is not holy in itself, it can yet serve the holy purpose of reflecting back to us the repressed mind's choices, which correct the purpose served by the ego's dreams of anger, judgment, pain, and death: to hide the fact that we are the mind's decision maker, the dreamer of the dream.*
from Kenneth Wapnick's commentaries in "Journey Through the Workbook of A Course in Miracles," Lesson 347